Crater Lake is one of the most visited parks in America.
It is a “Natural Wonder of the World.” Just a few miles off U.S. 97, it is easy
to get to, is open year round, save for occasional 14 foot snow packs, and less
than forty miles from my home. We return

Only a handful of folks, however, shared the luck I had there one time.
My intent that day had been to photograph a special spot
along the Rogue River. My route to the
Rogue took me past the Crater Lake entrance, and, on impulse, I turned in. The lake would be especially brilliant that
day at that time. Maybe I could get one
of those eye-popping panoramas that we see on calendars.
Approaching the parking lot and lodge, I saw a small
crowd clustered a short distance from the lodge. It was around a soft top convertible. A
forest ranger stood nearby. Approaching,
I saw why the crowd. Inside the car was a bear. He was on the back seat eating
out of two paper bags.
The bags were no surprise. People staying at the lodge
often spent most of a day enjoying the greater perk area. The lodge routinely
provided bag lunches. A couple must have
gone from the lodge to the car, but returned to the lodge temporarily. Mr. Bear, ambling across the lot, having the
world's greatest nose, crawled into the convertible.
As I stood by the park ranger, the couple returned. The
man stopped and backed away; but the woman instantly strode up to the ranger.
“What's that thing doing in our car?” she demanded
“Eating,” the Ranger offered.
“GET IT OUT!!!!” charged the woman.
“Lady,” the Ranger said in a soft voice, “I don't give
many commands to bears.”
“WELL, GET IT OUT!” yelled the woman.
The Ranger sort of shrugged, stepped over to the back of
the car, then slammed his hard on a fender, making quite a bang and the, car
The bear went straight up through the soft top. As the bear strolled off toward the trees,
the crowd exploded in laughter. It also gave the bear plenty of clearance. The Ranger held his hands out, palms up.
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